"Learning to read was more difficult for me than learning how to write."

"I would say everything exactly how it's spelled."

"I didn't want to be different."

This story is about a young woman with a hearing impairment who overcame hard times to get where she is today. She had a difficult time when she was younger. One thing that was difficult for her was learning how to read and write. Also, making friends was sometimes difficult, but not always. With the help of family, friends, and teachers she was able to successfully overcome these challenges and become a confident young woman.
This story is very relatable. I think that it is relatable because many students do not enjoy the books that they are forced to read from school, but they love to read books that they can choose themselves from a library. I also think that she is right when she says, "I want reality to imitate books and books to capture the essence of reality." As a child, people want the stories that they read to become real life. Especially if they have a difficult life that they want to escape, like the character. Our character also wants the real life to go into what she is reading. For example,"I fell subtly cheated by Alice in Wonderland, because it is all pretend, a game." I think that this shows a unique twist because most children do not mind if it is all pretend or even notice, but this character does and wants to see and learn about more reality. This story had a few ways of looking at books, but every angle makes sense in some way.
This story was written very well. I think that the author was able to get into the characters minds and potray their personalities extremely well. The way that the author had the dialogue throughout the story helped alot with this, but I think the entire way that it was written affected the portayal of their personalities. The author was able to put you in the story and make you feel as if you were there with the words and detail that they use.
Tweeting helped me realize where my place of choice was going to be. From some of my tweets I knew I wanted to do something that had to do with my past and present. So I chose a place that was like my second home when I was younger and a place that I still go to today with my own child. Tweeting did not help me come up with any ideas concerning genres to use or how to go about writing my twitterive, but as I said it showed me what I was looking to do and made me realize just the right place to base it on. So overall, yes, I think that tweeting made me more mindful and allowed me to connect with the place that I have chosen to write about. I may have not mentioned this place in my tweets specifically, but the tweets that I did have had an influence on the choosing and on the story in my twitterive.
The twitterive was not your everyday assignment. It was very different and interesting to complete. I think that the twitterive assignment is fun and allows you to look at something in a way that may change your entire perspective.

The process of making the twitterive was fun because you are able to tweet what you are thinking at every moment and go back to pick out what you can use for a story line. I found this helpful, but it was also hard. It was difficult to choose just one place to focus your twitterive on. Weebly was not to difficult at all for the twitterive process. It was more time consuming than difficult. In order to move your twitterive from Word to Weebly you had to do each part seperate.

I think that my overall product of my twitterive on Weebly came out the way that I planned. However, some fonts and coloring was a little different when I had it on Word, but for the most part it is just how I pictured it.

True friends
Extended family
Green all around me
As far as I could see
Baseball fields
Football fields
I never felt so free

Many people to meet
And places to get a treat
Both get you on your feet

This reading was all poetry and I am not usually a fan of poetry because I have a hard time understanding it. This reading, however, was not that difficult to understand. The Spanish spoken throughout was a little difficult for me, for example, "Como mulas los trabaja no saben como hacer la perra." What in the world does this mean? If you do not speak Spanish this is very difficult to comprehend.But overall I think that this poem was very empowering. The short poem at the end was also written very well. I was able to understand it and I found that it was quite disturbing. I don't think that I will ever comprehend how people can treat others so badly.
Microfiction was very interesting to read. I thought this was an easy read because the stories were short and sweet. It kept my attention through the whole reading unlike other types of reading. However, some of the stories were not very clear as to what was going on or going to happen. "Wrong Channel" and "Waiting" were funny and easy to understand. I thought that it was hilarious how someone who is supposed to be a translator took TB as TV and translated the whole conversation this way. I was able to figure out what was going to haoppen within the story even though it doesn't say what specifically happens.