Reflective Letter

My Website
 ~ There are both positive and negative things about this website. I enjoyed making it and being able to be as creative as I want. This is the first website and blog that I have done and it was interesting to learn how to create a website and post on a blog, however, I have to confess that I've had some difficulty with this site. Some things are easy to figure out, but when I was working on my oral history assignment (video) I had some technical difficulties. It took me a while, but eventually I was able to figure it out.

 ~ This website presents my work in a more creative way than it would be percieved on paper. I was able to use video, pictures, and crazy fonts. I do not think that my work would have looked the same way if it was on paper. Technology makes it possible to literally be as creative as you want. I do think that this website conveyed my work in a good way, however, I have to admit that I was not that into actually posting blogs and putting my thoughts out there. Personally, I would prefer to do an old fashioned journal entry in a notebook that only the professor and I could see. Posting assignments on the internet does not bother me as much as posting blogs because I feel like they are my personal thoughts that I would rather keep in a seperate journal in writing.

 ~ Blogging is not really my thing. As I stated before, I would prefer to write in a journal notebook. I do not feel comfortable with blogging. I know that I put myself out there with posting my assignments and having a facebook page, but I do not like blogging. I am not sure exactly why I don't like it. Throuhgout the semester, I was told to add more to my blogs. This was surprisingly difficult for me because I was just not into blogging at all.

 ~ The story behind my twitterive is about my place of comfort, the Rec Center, from both past and present. Within my story, I explore how it has changed throughout the years and how it has changed in my own personal view. The physical view has not changed very much, however, my own personal view has changed completely. This has changed because I have grown up. I no longer see it as a playground for me and my friends; I see little kids running around and me standing there watching from a different height.

 ~ My twitterive is all about reliving my past and comparing it to the present. I think that I have captured my past view on my place of comfort by an acrostic, and a poem. I have captured the present my photos. I think that all of these aspects has made my twitterive strong. There are some weaknesses, such as, my poem. I think that it could have been a little longer and more in depth to my feelings.

Oral History
 ~ Out of all of the assignments this semester, I enjoyed doing this one the most. This assignment is about my cousin, Renee, who is partly deaf. It explores her life and how she got through school wiht a hearing impairment. Within this interview, she talks about how she learned to read and write, how she made friends, and how she overcame any other obstacles that came her way. After exploring Renee's past, I then relfect on her present situation. She has a daughter and is working as a hair dresser in Cherry Hill, NJ.

 ~ I think that this project is my best work throughout this semester. I loved completing this assignment and I think that came out within it. The main strength with my oral history is the interview itself. Since it is video, you are able to capture her personality and her true feelings about the subject. One weakness in this assignment is not having follow up questions. There are many interesting things that she says and I did not follow up on them. I think that this is a lack of experience wiht interviewing.

Collaborative Research Project
 ~ For this assignment my group's primary question was, how are the consumers being protected by the food industry. We broke our topics up between our group members and answered our question with research and opinion. Our topics were laws, testing, inspecting, working conditions, and farming. Each topic is an important component to answer our question.

 ~ There were several strengths within our project, such as, our question was precise and to the point, our research was in depth on every subject, and we were able to answer our question within all of our research. One weakness was having too much research information because we put in information that did not completely relate to the question at hand.