Schneider, Stephen. (2008). Good, Clean, Fair: The Rhetoric of the Slow Food Movement. College English 70.4, 384-401.

In this article, Stephen Schneider goes into great deatil about the origins of the Slow Food Movement and how it wants to redefine gastronomy. The Slow Food Movement originated in Italy where is opposed to the degradation of culture and environment that has been at the rise of the fast food industry. This organization has increased its memberships and has been made into an international organization. Their model of gastronomy is focused on both the biological and cultural aspects of food production and consumption. "Food is the primary defining factor of human identity." 
4/22/2011 06:46:55 pm

At first, two iron wires connected each pair of telephones. Then switchboards brought phone wires into one location. Other inventions - the vacuum tube to amplify sound, and coaxial cables to link long distances on land and under the seas -- greatly expanded phone service. Transistors replaced the old vacuum tubes, and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated the necessity of landlines. Today, bundles of glass fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.

9/25/2011 10:29:31 am

Then switchboards brought phone wires into one location. Other inventions - the vacuum tube to amplify sound, and coaxial cables to link long distances on land and under the seas -- greatly expanded phone service


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